Part 20: Murkrow's Revenge
Music: Dusk Factory
*Murkrow flees*

Music: Deep Lyra Forest

Sign <Labyrinth Grove> This scenery is confusingly similar. There are other signs like this, too.
Even though we're done with the actual maze, we're still not out of the woods yet. Going up...
Music: Dusk Factory

That's right; we now have a Lost Woods situation! And there's no indication whatsoever to which one are the correct paths!

Trying to not be so down on the game and yet...

Music: Deep Lyra Forest

Good thing that the game indicates which area we're in. The first area has the sign and save point while the second has Nincada.

Do you know that if you release the Styler when it's underground, the capture won't count? I didn't!

Required Loops: 3
Possible EXP: 25/31/37/45
I still don't know why Ninjask don't have Cut while Nincada does.
Ninjask are too busy getting faster to worry with trivial stuff like cutting grass!

In any case, we can now open the bush in the meadow. Looks like we don't need Meowth after all.

Our first fully-evolved starter!

Venusaur attacks with the Grass equivalent of a puddle.

But of course Venusaur isn't as simple as Muk or Marshtomp. Its 'puddle' lasts longer than other Pokemon.

The first vine mine will fade after the third one is made. The second after the fourth, and so on.

Required Loops: 10
Possible EXP: 130/140/150/160/170/180
With that done, back to the forks we go.
That's quite a lot of XP!
It is. In fact, this is a good opportunity to EXP grind.

The third and final area has a Taillow and a Swellow. If you're wondering, the correct paths are down-up-down. They're not randomized, thankfully.
I defended some things in this game, but this part is just pure guesswork

At least it's only three screens, and if you pay attention you can quickly see you're making no progress. As far as Lost Woods scenarios go, this is downright friendly.
Music: Dusk Factory

*Murkrow went up the tree*

Crows really do hold grudges! Be mean to one crow, and the rest of their murder will also bear the grudge.

There's no more forks here, so we'll just take the exit...


*Murkrow went up the tree*

We noticed

The game is kind enough to provide Phanphy around if we didn't carry one all the way back from Jigglypuff's area.

Video: Murkrow

Well, Murkrow should be easy. Fire Assists pretty much trivializes any Pokemon not resistant to it.

Music: Wild Boss Pokemon Encounter

...Or maybe not.

Well, Spinarak are all still weak to Fire, but...

Fire assist only works if we managed to make a loop around the Pokemon. Which is easier said than done with 5 Pokemon around.
Again, it's doable on an actual DS, but on a mouse it's very hard.

Murkrow's attack is pretty basic; it's pretty much just the dark version of Koffing's attack, down to obscuring the screen.

Anyway, since Fire isn't working out, let's try out Flying.

It's...messy, to say the least.

Pokemon hit by Flying assist's tornado (and Fire assist's loop) won't break our line, which makes them extremely useful.

Flying assist works only on Pokemon outside the loops, while Fire assist works oppositely.
Could you just doodle tiny circles and summon a bunch of tornadoes, or would that be casting too wide of a net?
Tiny circles work, but we can just draw lines to make them. Shame the same can't be said for Fire assist, though.

The key here is to focus on the Spinarak first. Each of them only requires 3 loops, so they should be caught quickly.
Divide and conquer!

Music: Capture Complete

Required Loops: 9
Possible EXP: 48/52/56/62
This is actually a very fun and hectic capture. And the best part is that using Flying/Fire aren't the only correct answers.
I didn't record it, but I managed to capture them (using a mouse) with Venusaur's help even though Spinarak are resistant to Grass.
Music: Dusk Factory

Didn't you notice during the capture?
We wouldn't have been in this position had he not tormented the murkrow!

All right, all right! Sheesh...
Music: Go-Rock Squad!

*The grunt flees*
Music: Dusk Factory

You're welcome

You asked me privately if I wanted to toxx over my guess that Gordor is the leader of the Go-Rocks. While I'm still not willing to commit $10, if this dude isn't the leader, then he's certainly high up in their organization.

Music: Mission Clear!

Gordor's Laugh: 6

It's probably because she thinks she's more competent than she actually is.

*The two leave*
Some of Gordor has rubbed off on Circe. She could not care less about Murph's troubles.